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网址  2024-01-03  作者:admin    阅读:

社会环境,自然环境,生活环境的改变,生理功能的衰退和躯体的病理变化等因素都在一定程度上影响了 老年人的心理健康,尤其是入住养老院后,缺少了亲人们的及时关心与体贴,都可能影响老年人的精神状态 、感知觉及性格方面的一些变化。因此养老院老年人在心理上会有以下特点:
The changes in social environment, natural environment, living environment, physiological function decline, and pathological changes in the body all affect the psychological health of elderly people to a certain extent, especially after moving into nursing homes, the lack of timely care and consideration from relatives may affect some changes in their mental state, perception, and personality. Therefore, elderly people in nursing homes will have the following psychological characteristics:
Perceptual decline
Reason: As elderly people age, their perceptual organs gradually deteriorate. The decline of vision and hearing, as well as the decline of other sensory perceptions, slows down the response of elderly people to the external environment, reduces their adaptability, and weakens their control ability. Therefore, elderly people are prone to emotional changes such as irritability and irritability.
Performance: Over time, elderly people may appear out of place with their surroundings, becoming lonely and indifferent. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and other states.
Response plan: In response to this psychological characteristic, nursing home staff should pay more attention to the emotional changes of the elderly. In daily life, they should communicate more with the elderly to reduce their loneliness, help them slowly adapt to the surrounding living environment, and gradually develop a sense of control over the surrounding environment. This will make the elderly's mood more comfortable and reduce the occurrence of this psychological problem.
Mental lethargy
Reason: Due to physiological decline and other reasons, elderly people often experience mental fatigue, decreased memory, difficulty concentrating, and delayed reactions.
Performance: Therefore, in nursing homes, we often see some elderly people searching everywhere despite holding things in their hands, forgetting everything they have just said and done. This state is the main manifestation of the mental state of elderly people, especially those in nursing homes.
Response plan: For this point, nursing homes should organize more simple entertainment activities to increase the attention of the elderly, reduce their mental state of depression, and allow them to share their recent stories with each other. This can not only strengthen their memory, but also increase their interest and improve their mental state.

